
2017年1月5日—It'sanewkitchenappliancethatwillturnyourfoodscrapsintorichfertilizerwithhardlyanyworkonyourpartatall.,2017年2月15日—Zera™FoodRecyclertransformsaweek'sworthoffoodwaste*intohomemadefertilizer,within24hours,straightfromyourkitchen!Withan ...,ReviveElectricKitchenComposter,2.5LCapacitywithSHARKSDENTri-Blade,TurnFoodWasteandScrapsintoDryCompostFertilizerforPlants...Thisproducthas ...,2...

Whirlpool's Zera Food Recycler turns food scraps into ...

2017年1月5日 — It's a new kitchen appliance that will turn your food scraps into rich fertilizer with hardly any work on your part at all.

Why Whirlpool decided to conquer food waste

2017年2月15日 — Zera™ Food Recycler transforms a week's worth of food waste* into homemade fertilizer, within 24 hours, straight from your kitchen! With an ...

Zera Food Recycler

Revive Electric Kitchen Composter, 2.5L Capacity with SHARKSDEN Tri-Blade, Turn Food Waste and Scraps into Dry Compost Fertilizer for Plants ... This product has ...

Turn your food waste into fertilizer in a day with Zera ...

2016年11月14日 — The WLabs by Whirlpool Corporation Zera Food Recycler turns your table scraps into usable fertilizer in 24 hours or less. Megan Wollerton ...

What ever happened to this company? Zera® Food Recycler

2021年9月13日 — They still have a website, but they're sold out. Not sure if that means they never got their technology figured out and their promises ...

Does anyone own the Zera Food Recycler?

2019年1月2日 — It is a very solid and substantial machine; probably weighs 100 lbs. and looks good. When it worked, it produced very nice fertilizer with very ...

What Happened to the Zera Food Recycler?

Some reviewers stated that the Zera Food Recycler was a good way to prepare kitchen scraps before adding them to a compost heap. Because the Zera Food Recycler ...

Top 5 benefits of a Zera Food Recycler 2020

Reduces Food waste – Zera Food Recycler reduces your food waste by almost two-thirds of its volume. Food wastes take up a considerable amount of space in ...